Understanding of the biblical truths given to us by the Word of God. In particular the understanding of the unfathomable good news of Jesus and the gospel. We want to understand our place in this amazing story and help others understand their place in this story as well. This is done through bible studies, the reading of scripture together, and discussion over these truths with each other.
Encouragement of one another through exhortation and speaking the gospel into their lives. Giving each other that loving push that we so desperately need in times of temptation and weakness and sharing the hope we have to those who don’t yet have Jesus are all aspects of encouragement.
Accountability :
Accountability and encouragement go hand in hand. While it can often feel good to give someone else encouragement, accountability is the tough job of reminding others what it means to follow Jesus. Accountability is not a time of lecturing but how we continually point back to the mutual understanding and common goal of what we have been saved to.
Fellowship :
Fellowship is how we begin to knit our hearts closer and closer. Our hope is that what may start out as basic conversation around a meal will grow to produce the love and trust that Jesus has called us to as believers. We get to simply enjoy one another's company.
Serving :
Serving is a distinct mark of a believer. This is anytime we put our own desires aside and help others. Serving can be demonstrated in many different ways with many different people. We must make sure we are always making a point to put others first through our actions.
Prayer :
Prayer for each other but more importantly prayer with each other. There is nothing quite like God's people gathering together and crying out to God in one unified voice. Prayer is a very special gift that we should never take for granted. Our communication with the father will flow over to everything we do, especially in our groups.
Multiplication :
Multiplication can often times be a specific goal that we try and reach but it should be more of a result than a goal. Multiplication is what happens when the gospel takes ahold of the lives of men and women and works through them to expand God’s family. It is the result of Christians living life in the rhythms we are called to.