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Frequently Asked Questions
What should we wear?
Wear what you're comfortable with!
What is a typical service like?
Our services last a little over an hour and typically begin with 2-3 worship songs, followed by practical message from the Bible, a time for response, and a closing worship song. Services are relaxed and inviting for everyone.
Where do I take my kids?
Upon arriving, head over to the SL Kids entryway, located in the lobby, and someone will assist you in getting your children checked in for SL Kids. Every SL Kids participant will receive a name badge, while a pick-up ticket will be given to the adult who checked them in. Be sure to hold onto your ticket, as it will be needed to pick your child back up.
What will the kid's service be like?
In SL Kids we will be celebrating our risen savior with an interactive Bible lesson, activities and crafts that support what is learned. In SL Kids we laugh, ask questions but most importantly teach about Jesus, the one who came to save us from our sin.
What about the Easter Egg Hunt?
The Easter Egg Hunt will happen after service. This event is for kids birth through 6th grade. Each age group will have their own section for egg hunting. Please do not bring a basket, bags will be provided to ensure a consistent experience for each child.