This week, the purpose is to have an in-depth Soul Care Check. Use the questions to hold each other accountable and go beneath the surface. ***CELEBRATE/REJOICE good news and health. ENCOURAGE improvement and offer accountability. LISTEN well and provide applicable scripture to model or encourage***

-How do you feel you are doing physically? Do you feel physically healthy?

-What areas do you feel like you are doing "good" physically? (ex: exercise, diet, routine exams, medications, etc)

-What areas do you feel like need improvement?

-Name a goal, or few goals you would like to set. (Weight-loss, eating out less, exercise, etc)

-How do you feel you are doing emotionally? Do you feel emotionally healthy?

-What areas do you feel like you are doing "good" emotionally? (ex:stress, anger, sadness, anxiety, joy)

- What areas do you feel like need improvement?

-Name a goal, or few goals you would like to set. (Dealing with stress in a healthier way, working on anger/patience, celebrating more, etc)

-How do you feel you are doing relationally? Do you feel you are connected to others well? Or isolated?

-What areas do you feel like you are doing good relationally? (Marriage, family, friendships, close friendships, C.G., Church)

-What relationships do you need to establish or improve?

-Name a goal or few goals you would like to set. (Date night, family game night, dinner with friends, guys/girls night)

-How do you feel you are doing spiritually? (Quiet time/daily time with God, bible study, prayer life, serving, attendance, witnessing, etc)

-What areas do you feel like you're doing good spiritually?

-What areas do you feel like need improvement?

-Name a goal or few goals you would like to set? (Reading plan, designated time, family devo/prayer, spouse prayer/devo, witnessing, spiritual disciplines, etc)

Start your time of prayer with individual/couple/family prayer.

Move to a time of group prayer. Divide up the 4 areas of soul care (Physical, Emotional, Relational, Spiritual). Pray over specific needs and goals mentioned.

End your time of prayer praising God for how intricately He made us.