Ephesians 4:17-32 

-As a follower of Christ, have there ever been times where people around you didn't understand what you believed or stood for? What about how you acted and spoke? Or rather, how you refused to act/speak? Name some examples (Ex: not cussing, not giving into peer pressure, etc)

-What about when it came to specific topics, especially political? Did it feel like you were being heard? Or did it feel pointless?

-Have you had examples of when you've tried to change habits or behavior, and people bring up the past?
How does that make you feel in the moment?

Read Ephesians 4:17-32
-In Vs 17, Paul speaks from testimony as someone saved by God. How often do you remind yourself of that identity? Is that where you speak from when talking to others?

-Read Vs 17-19, Paul describes those not of Christ. As a group, identify and explain why these traits should not describe Christians?

-In Vs 20-24, what are the ways we can combat our old behaviors and habits? How can we lived a transformed life in Christ?

-In 25-32, in What ways should we conduct ourselves with others? How do we treat one another? How does this translate to South Lakes?How does it translate outside of church?


-Remember that Christ saved YOU if you are a christian. Remember that christians in your life were also saved by God.
-Share out loud names of people "in the dark" that you desire Christ to save.
-Spend time in prayer thanking God for saving you and ask Him to save those you've named.