Next week we will begin "Practicing the Way". This 8-Week course was developed to introduce us to the basics of spiritual disciplines and how to begin shaping our life to live more like Jesus.
What this curriculum will be: A guide on how to deepen our faith (no matter what level of maturity we're at!), how to step out of our comfort zones, how to re-shape our lives with God as the center instead of us, and how to live with a biblical worldview.
What this curriculum won't be: A daily reading plan( You will be encouraged to find one and start one), a cheat sheet to check boxes, an all-inclusive fill me for life plan.
The purpose of this journey is to open your eyes to just how much we need the Holy Spirit to shape us, guide us, and help us.
Before we can grow, we have to know where we are at currently.
Spend this evening being open and honest about where you are on your walk with Christ. What are the hinderances? What are the excuses?
Life will never not be busy, so how do we fight back?
Have your group take the Spiritual Health assessment before 9/15 (link in app and on church website).
Lastly, spend tonight praying through Psalm 139. Read the following sections, and pause to pray in-between.
Vs 1-6
Vs 7-12
Vs 13-16
Vs 17-18
Vs 19-22
Vs 23-24